The Team

Very Rev Paul KenningtonThe Very Reverend Paul Kennington, Parish Priest

Fr Paul was born in Leeds, W.Yorkshire. In 1985 he graduated in French and Russian at Durham University, after which he went to St Stephen’s House, Oxford to study for a B.A in Theology. He graduated in 1988 and was awarded his Oxford M.A. in 1992. 

Paul is currently seconded as Interim Dean of Chelmsford Catherdral until 2024. 

Ordained deacon in 1988 and priest in 1989 in the diocese of Oxford, Fr Paul served his curacy at St Andrew’s, Headington in Oxford. In 1991 he moved to the parish of St Clement in East Dulwich in the diocese of Southwark where he served at St Peter’s, Dulwich, a local ecumenical project with the Roman Catholic Benedictine Community of Worth Abbey. 

In 1994 he was appointed team vicar at All Saints, in the Mortlake and East Sheen Team Ministry, and in 2001 he took up the post of vicar of St Mary’s Battersea before moving to Montreal in 2010 to be Dean of Montreal and rector of Christ Church Cathedral in the Anglican Church of Canada.

Paul describes himself as being liberal in ethics, evangelical in preaching, catholic in liturgy, and orthodox in his understanding of Trinitarian theology and Christology. He is passionate about liturgy and mission and about helping people to grow in their faith, so that the Christian community can more fully participate in God’s reign of love, justice and peace, loving God ever more fervently with the best they can offer, and serving their neighbours ever more generously and sacrificially.

Paul lives with his civil-partner Jonathan. He has three adult children, Timothy, Marie-Caroline and Philippa, from a previous marriage.

Reverend Canon Jane Richards, Associate Priest      

Mother Jane Bio

Hello! I am delighted to have been called to serve here as Associate Priest. I combine this ministry with my role as Continuing Ministerial Development Advisor for the Barking Episcopal Area and also serve as Chair of the House of Clergy on Diocesan Synod. More recently I have been elected as a clergy representative on General Synod.

Prior to moving to Leytonstone, I served as a Vicar in Basildon, Essex and have also worked as a hospital chaplain. I trained for ordination with St Mellitus College and served my Title post in the benefice of South Woodham Ferrers, Woodham Ferrers and Bicknacre. Prior to ordination I worked for many years as a Public Health Specialist for the NHS and Local Authority. 

I was born in Scotland and am a keen supporter of both my national team and my home team of Falkirk. I have started following the fortunes of Leyton Orient and might even one day get to Brisbane Road to watch a match! I have three wonderful adult children, Hannah, Martha and Joe, and share my home with my beloved cat, George! I love reading, crocheting, walking, gardening and enjoy a wide range of music. I also enjoy cooking and singing – often at the same time with the radio as my accompaniment!

Reverend Sarah Moss, Curate

Sarah Moss Headshot

Mother Sarah was born in Essex and had a 20-year career working for local authorities in regeneration and economic growth before starting theological training.  Sarah was Ordained Priest in 2023.

 She is passionate about advocating for those who are marginalised,   serving the community, and discipling others.  Sarah is married to   Alan, who is an Ordained Pioneer Priest, and they have two cocker   spaniels.

Ian Burns, Churchwarden & Treasurer

Ian Burns headshot

Laura Moffatt, Churchwarden

Laura Moffatt Churchwarden

Malcolm Aldridge, Organist

Malcolm Aldridge

Val Vivier, Community Hall Manager

Val Vivier headshot