Sunday Services
8.30am Said Mass 1662 Book of Common Prayer
This is a short said service without music using the old language of the King James Bible. It lasts about 30 minutes.
10.00am - Parish Mass (2000 Common Worship)
This is our main service with music, choir and a sermon with a Sunday School for children. It uses modern language. At St Andrew's we use incense and are traditional in style. It lasts about one hour.
11.30am - Short Service (1st Sunday of the month only)
This is a short 25 minute service specifically designed for small children. It is not a Communion service and it is very informal - as you can see!
Sunday 6.00pm - Evening Service
A plainsong Compline (monastic Night Prayer) in a more meditative style. We use a little incense and the service lasts for about 30 minutes.